Installing and Uninstalling Instructions for Visual Watermark

Here you will find instructions on how to install and uninstall Visual Watermark from your computer.



  1. Download the program from our website here.
  2. Run the installed file and click Install Visual Watermark button.
  3. This will install Visual Watermark into c:\Program Files\Visual Watermark\ folder.


  1. On the Start menu select Settings.
  2. Select System > Apps & features.
  3. Select Visual Watermark, and then select Uninstall button.
  4. Confirm you want Visual Watermark to be uninstalled.

Visual Watermark Folders and Settings

Visual Watermark creates the following folders on your computer:

  • c:\Program Files\Visual Watermark\ contains program executable and resources.
  • c:\Users\USER_ID\AppData\Local\Visual Watermark\ contains saved watermark templates.
  • Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\visualwatermark contains program settings

Our uninstaller removes all these folders when you decide to remove the program from your computer.

Mac OS


  • Download the program from our website here.
  • Open the downloaded file - this will bring up installer dialog.
  • Drag the program icon into Applications folder to save it on your computer.
  • Go to the Applications folder and run the program from there.


  • Drag the program from Applications folder into Trash folder.
  • Open Finder and go to ~/Library/Preferences folder. Remove all files starting with “com.visualwatermark”.

Visual Watermark Folders and Settings

Visual Watermark doesn’t create folders on your computer. It stores its preferences in the ~/Library/Preferences folder though.