Visual Watermark is a image watermarking app for Mac and Windows. Since Mac-version is a much newer program, it lacks some features existing in the Window-version. One of them is the capability to add your own logo as a watermark stored as an image file.
Making a good picture is time-consuming process and they are rare. It is much easier to take somebody else’s work and use it for a website or an ad. Especially, because it is so easy now: just a couple clicks using your mouse. In most cases, the author of the photo gets no credit for her image.
And what? Doesn’t everybody download MP3s and movies from internet for free? Sometimes not.
These are standard methods to add a trademark symbol to any program on your computer. They are built-in into your operating system and available in every program you have: Word, Picasa, Visual Watermark and all others.
International law protects your copyright but the law also requires a clear evidence of your authority and can do nothing with people who don’t understand copyright. You will have to prove your authority in a court before you can make a claim. If you fail to proof your copyright ownership, you won’t be able to get pay for a stolen work and will have to pay court dues. Ensuring the best copyright protection for your work relies on 4 factors:
These are standard methods to add a copyright symbol to any program on your computer. They are built-in into your operating system and available to any program: Word, Picasa, Visual Watermark and all others.