Nuances Of Pet Photography

Nuances Of Pet Photography

Well, everybody knows the win-win step towards the enormous popularity in the Internet. Of course, it’s about animals and especially supercute kittens and puppies. It seems that even the angriest man in the world couldn’t resist the fascination of a little ball of fur. Nevertheless, don’t you realize it is high time to shift your skills from the point of an ordinary pet’s owner to a professional photographer who takes really good pets’ pictures? If so, our article is dedicated to you.

The initial gear necessary for taking a splendid photo consists of a camera and an animal (or animals). That’s all! In fact, the things are not so plain. Surely, you have to improve photographers’ abilities. We go far with some valuable details that will lead you to perfect shots.

A review - The Photographer’s Guide to Content Marketing

A review - The Photographer’s Guide to Content Marketing

This guide is composed by Pat DePuy, a photographer and a content marketing expert working for Prime Social Marketing organization that offers content marketing and social mediamarketing services to different businesses, in particular to entrepreneurial photographer. DePuy writes a lot of articles for their blog and publishes great high-quality content concerning a wide range of topics. Pat also manages Prime’s social media channels.

How to Make Real Estate Photos, to Sell Better

In real estate, beautiful and professional photographs play a very significant role. As polls show agents who use high-quality and professional real estate photos sell it 32% faster. In this case, we are not talking about pictures that are taken on a regular smartphone – it will not be possible to attract buyers with such images. It’s important to present several high-quality images that will allow people to evaluate the real appearance of the property and even understand from the picture that is the house or apartment they need.

Try to create a professional, high-quality, and very presentable portfolio with pictures of the real estate you are going to sell. Your gallery will become an attractive catalog for buyers, so they will give preference to you rather than competitors.

Do you want to stand out real estate photos among 90% of realtors? Take your time to create professional pictures – to do this, follow our tips, which the article is dedicated to.

How to be a Google Photographer

How to be a Google Photographer

The main goal of all businessmen is to attract as much customers as possible. Owners of restaurants, cafes, fitness clubs and shops search for clientele through the endless space of internet. On the other hand, prospective clients also look for them here. Google with its new program helps to connect these parts together and create an effective collaboration between them. Today we’ll learn more about this service and see how both novice and experienced photographers could benefit from it.

How does it work?

Frequently, some textual information about a company is not enough for customers to make a positive decision. While image content is a completely different story. For example, if you have the access to real photos of a café, it won’t be a surprise to see velvet tablecloth or purple flowers when you come to have a snack there. People can feel the atmosphere of a place before visiting it. Shortly speaking, vivid pictures draw attention, encourage hesitating persons to come to a particular place.