Your blog or personal website contains rather valuable information, but the circle of your devoted fans that consists of few people has not expanded since a long time. Traditional marketing tools do not work and you’ve finally realized that you need something principally different. Content marketing was recommended to you as a modern way to deal with your site. But in fact it turned out to be rather complex science with lots of nuances applied.
Does it look like your story? Well, do not panic, we’ve got a remedy. Be sure you take it as the doctor ordered.
Cure #1 or The main ingredient of content marketing
Quality content is the fundamental ground and the only way to be successful in content marketing.
- Be aware of your target audience. It is not about several common and hackneyed words like “businessmen” or “housewives”. Try to define particular features of your clientele and investigate its interests and necessities as deeply as possible. This information will determine directions for developing of your content marketing strategy. Remember the main principle: first of all good content is intended to answer readers’ questions, not to increase the traffic and conversation. These things will appear later as consequences of well-done job, as a reward to your efforts from grateful users.
- Promote content in social networks.
- Be professional in your own niche. Concentrate on one direction and stop wasting time on covering a wide range of themes.
- Provide viral content. Here are some sure signs of it: it is very fun, cute or silly, provocative or embarrassing. In one word, viral content touches people emotionally by its uniqueness and incredibleness.
- Avoid too active usage of SEO elements. The audience does not consist of robots; your readers are alive and deserve relevant content. Shortly speaking, think of your followers’ needs rather than about search engines algorithms.
- Use anchor links only if they are really valuable for users.
It may seem that details of content creation are endless. But soon you’ll see it is the key part of your strategy and worth spending time.

Image© Andres Rodriguez
Zig Ziglar once said: “Stop selling. Start helping”. These words could be easily used as a motto for all content marketers.
Cure #2 or Attention to the landing page
The face of your website or blog must have a presentable look. Work accurately on each part of your landing page including title, call to action, contact information, etc.
- Right headline is of great significancy. Writing inspiring titles is real art. The recipe to create a stunning headline (if it actually exists) looks like this: take your unique characters, add a pinch of creativity and flavor with originality.
- Show people the results of collaboration with you beforehand. Users have to know what they are going to receive in the end. Otherwise, unclear perspective will frighten potential clients.
Do not forget to take vitamins
Sharing buttons give users possibility to forward your content to friends. This creates a chain that can possibly make you and your business well-known all over the world. One wisdom on content marketing states: be generous with good content and people will pay you off.

Image© bloomua
Videos and infographics are a great source for attracting new readers and customers and for encouraging your old followers. These types of content can immediately increase the traffic of your website.
Some more tips for the success##
Refresh your methods from time to time. Content marketing is the area where something new appears practically every day.
Track you results. Controlling fruits of your labour allows you to see the effectiveness of your methods.
Never stop becoming better. Even if you feel your business has come close to its perfect condition, do not relax and let things slide. Find new ways to improve your positions in lists of search results, track new tendencies of content marketing and be ready to put them to work first. Get used to staying on top and never be completely satisfied with what is already done. At the same time try to be realistic and expect results that are proportional to efforts. Or a little bit higher.